Some people still confuse, thanks to numerous fellows, privateers and pirates. This is mostly due to the fact that some privateers, once given their walking papers, turned to piracy. Shame on them and the governments that used them anyway. In an earlier post I said that I cannot hide the fact that much of what we did "legally" was what pirates were hanged for. It is a stragne thing war. War in time of peace is mass murder. There will be some accounting to be done in the here-after.
I, being me, will put the atrocities of me and my breathren out of my little mind. One cannot dwell on the suffering one induces and not go mad. My fellow gentleman of fortune, Capt. Fyre, is still looking for a brace of pistols. I have told him of the worth of my Catalonian pistol but he does not like it. How about this?

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