Well he was not a "bastard" in the legal sense. However he was a royal, pirate, pain in the arse at Nevis. He had just mutineed with his crew and taken a ship to this little English port when we came into aquaintence. He on the Blessed William and I on the Induna.
Another bastard, Christopher Codrington the governor of the miserable no-mans-land, had hired Kidd to lead a fleet to keep us out of his port. We, flying the French colors, came under fire as we approached the port. This was a futile engagement. The English wasted every shot since the winds were up and all their shots were wild. Still the French commander, was an even bigger bastard and decided to retire.
I took my ship out of line and we saild to Tortuga and got drunk. Thereafter I was inclined to work alone and not attach our vessel to any fleet.
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