I have plied the seas for so very long that it is quite difficult to tell you what the most harrowing mission would be. I have seen all manner of sea-born combat, ports seiged, ships blown to the water line, men eaten by sharks before my eyes, etc. However the most dangerous, after much mind taxing, was the mere taking of a letter.
As you know I have letters of Marque from Louis of France. This being so I am pretty much at the service of La Roi Soliel. Now back in the days of his grandfather were was such a thing as the French-Ottoman alliance. Yes friends, the most Catholic of kings was allied to the Islamic Turkish Sultan. Over time this alliance failed.
Then in the 1690's the king of France recieved a delegation from the court of the Sultan. He resoponded by sending a letter. This letter I was tasked to deliver to Istanbul. As you may recall I was a slave there once. This journey was fraught with all manner of nastiness; from Barbery Pirates, to Italian Pirates, to Cypriate Pirates, to ... oh well you get the idea.
The story is a good one. I should elaberate on it some time. Suffice to say that once again the most Catholic of Kings and the most Muslim of Sultans, became fast friends, at least in the political sense. What was contained in this "love note"? Well I read it and was not impressed. Basically Louis told the Sultan that he would remain neutral if the Sultan attacked the Austrians. Good God what a note to send to the bastards what held my captive. To let those same bastards do their will to my compatriot Austrians. Oh well the money was good.
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