Some pitiful college in America was founded by the usurper William of Orange and his illegitimate queen Mary.
In May Heidelberg falls to Louis XIV's forces. Not to allow the ancient castle to exist, the French blow the citadel up.
My rover acquaintances have no longer seen any evidence of the Dodo.
Oh and we have NO set agreement on Longitude. It's anybodies guess.
The primary kings that drive all the hurly-burly of privateering and colonial consternation are: Louis XIV of France, William III of England, and Charles II of Spain.

I take no emotional connection to any of these brutes. However since France is much richer than the other two I tend to take more of Louis money, as a privateer that is. Ostensibly the king of France is sticking up for his cousin King James II. James has been deposed by William of Orange and is living at Fontainebleau under the protection of Louis.
So I get to attack English and Dutch ships.
The other kings of this age are so dull compare to the Roi Soleil of France. Though I care not for his haughty nature, I find in myself a great respect for such a man to tame the unruly lords of France, and I find the love he sheds upon his bastards quite a fine thing indeed. For his bastard son Louis Alexander, though only 15, is at present my lord as Admiral of France. I also hear tell that the miscreant lords of his kingdom are shocked by his open love for his illegitimate kin. His legal children flee from the king in terror while showing little intellect. His children from Montespan show all the brillance of la Soleil.
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